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A faster, more potent way to get essential vitamins


Service Details:

Appointment Length: 5 min

Pricing: $25-$30

Vitamin B12 and D3 are essential vitamins that our bodies rely on, yet so many of us are deficient in! Injected vitamins are more effective than pill form supplements because they enter directly into the bloodstream, as opposed to first traveling through the digestive tract, then being absorbed into the bloodstream where they lose some of their potency.

Slim Shot is our premier injectable solution for enhanced weight loss. Available by prescription only, this advanced Lipo Mino Mix C formula features L-Carnitine which boosts fat burning, increases energy, and supports a leaner body. Ideal for structured weight management, it harnesses vital nutrients to optimize weight loss and overall health.

The Results

Benefits of Vitamin B12:

- Improves energy

- Increases metabolism

- Enhances mood

- Helps regulate sleep

- Helps regulate appetite


Benefits of Vitamin D3:

- Improves bone and heart health

- Enhances immune system function

- Elevates mood

- Improves cognitive health

Benefits of Slim Shot:

- B6: Enhances energy by promoting red blood cell production.
- Methionine: Aids in the metabolism of sugars and carbohydrates.
- Inositol: Boosts energy production from food.
- Choline: Accelerates fat metabolism and recovery times.
- B1 Thiamine: Supports the immune system and energy conversion.
- B2 Riboflavin: Fuels metabolism and immune health.
- L-Carnitine: Improves fat metabolism, energy levels, and muscle building while reducing recovery times. (*exclusive to Lipo-Mino-Mix-C)

The Process:

Some slight discomfort may be experienced after the shot, but this goes away quickly. There is no downtime or preparation needed before vitamin and supplement injections. They are considered to be safe and come with no major adverse reactions. You may experience slight bruising, redness, and soreness at the injection site. Slim shot injections occasionally cause fatigue and nausea. In general, clients receive 1 weekly treatment for 6-8 weeks.

A Grove Spa treatment

Additional Pricing Info:

Vitamin Injections: $25 for one, or $45 for both.

Slim Shot: $30

What Our Clients Say

"I have been going to Emilee for over a year for injectables, and I am always so happy with the results!"


- Abby C.

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